Industries Served

Information Technology

Information Technology

Information Technology Programs

  • Analyzed and segmented the factory data collection market for a specialty manufacturer of terminals. The program focused on forecasting the penetration potential for specific products; structuring and dimensioning the market in terms of industrial segments, applications and system requirements; and establishing buying influences within large and small companies.
  • Evaluated the trends and conversation rate for VoIP/IPT in large to small enterprises, identifying the various penetration rates of different technology approaches, technical support requirements, promised vs. actual ROIs, channel preferences, and support requirements.
  • Established the function and feature requirements for a web e-business exchange product utilizing a criteria-based search engine that scored and ranked products to buyer's requirements.
  • Developed the strategy to take a plant floor automation firm from a hardware based/e-prom system to an integrated family of software products based on open system architecture. This strategy was based on analyzing various end user segments of the market and forecasting the opportunity for technological change.
  • Set P&L structures and benchmarked performance levels for various networking VARs addressing the new convergence environment for a major supplier of telephony systems.
  • Conducted a study program to evaluate the potential of a data communications network service focused at major users of computer equipment who have extensive networks located in wide areas.
  • Evaluated the present user commitment and satisfaction levels of IBM/SNA within major corporations which have widespread locations and large data processing requirements. The study program addressed system pros and cons, user efficiencies and future usage trends.
  • Conducted a study which assisted a manufacturer in determining the technical, pricing and marketing considerations for the introduction of a short-distance, low-cost microwave product into the marketplace. This study focused on analyzing the market for local loop by-pass communication links.
  • Conducted the multi-city marketing evaluation for a communications company which was submitting applications to the FCC for cellular mobile radio telephone services. This study combined telephone interview techniques, on-site discussions and development of complex exhibits which justified the market participation on the part of the client.
  • Segmented the PLC market and identified limitations of major PLC manufacturer's high end PLC strategy that ultimately lead that company to seek partner to supply low end product.

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